7 Hair Care Tips For Healthy and Shiny

7 Tips on hair care for healthy and shiny - Hair plays an important role in the life of every individual, the hair affects the appearance of...

7 Tips on hair care for healthy and shiny - Hair plays an important role in the life of every individual, the hair affects the appearance of a person, which can be shaped and changed the hair and make various styles to follow the fashion trends are always changing, so it is not wrong if the hair is often in identikkan as mahkota.Tapi need to be careful to stay awake healthy hair, damaged hair, dandruff and hair loss, then a healthy diet and always maintain the cleanliness of the hair will benefit the health of your hair.

- Poor diet, illness and deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals affect hair health problems like dandruff, thinning hair, baldness, premature onset of gray hair.

- Some tips, diet and healthy lifestyle can be a solution to the health of hair will be protected from various hair problems like dandruff, baldness, hair loss and others.

- A healthy diet can help keep your hair strong and shiny, and prevent hair loss, food can be obtained from several sources bleak: adequate protein, fruits, raw vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and omega 3 fatty acids which can be found in salmon or flaxseed oil and dairy products, and do not forget to drink plenty of water.

7 Hair Care Tips For Healthy and Shiny
7 Hair Care Tips For Healthy and Shiny

- Use natural products like Shikakai, lemon, coconut oil etc, when dry rinse your hair with lemon juice so that the hair back bersinar.Campur apple cider vinegar with water to get soft hair and berkilau.Oleskan honey on your scalp to solve problems keriting.Campurkan matted hair and honey in two pots of fresh cream to create a natural product that is very good for dry hair.

- Always use a natural shampoo, mild with a conditioner that contains ingredients such as keratin, rosemary, and vegetable protein extract laut.Hal grass is important washing your hair because shampoo will help remove dirt, dead skin cells, hair oils, the remnants hair products that you gunakan.Gunakan conditioner after shampooing, it will moisturize your hair, give extra protection, make the hair more shine and luster, and the hair easier to comb.

- Use a wide-toothed comb when hair is still wet, use a soft brush or comb, do not use sharp comb that can damage the hair and scalp hair is brittle anda.Untuk avoid brushing or combing rabut wet, wait until completely dry because it will be easily damaged and rontok.Mengurangi use of chemicals, particularly gels, dyes or bleach.

- Dry your hair with minimal heat, this is is a very important tips in hair care, due to the extreme heat will damage your hair, reduce the frequency of use of a hair dryer (hairdryer), curling irons and other electrical equipment maintenance.

- Make a habit of brushing your hair at least 3-4 times every day regularly to stimulate the scalp Anda.stimulasi scalp regularly to stimulate the natural oils to eliminate mati.Tips scalp tissue is very important for people with severe dandruff (extreme), brushing your scalp on a regular basis will reduce and eliminate dandruff.

Get used to trim your hair every month, the hair is cut about 1/8 of the ends of your hair to stimulate healthy hair growth.

Thus some hair care tips everyday, practical, economical way to get healthy hair, strong and shiny.


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